Beat Sugar Addiction Now! by Jacob Teitelbaum, M.D.

Beat Sugar Addiction NOW!
Fair Winds Press (Released March 2010)
by Jacob Teitelbaum, M.D.

Whenever I read one of Dr. Teitelbaum’s books, I feel like I’m taking a college course. I get out my note-book and pencils, sit at my office desk in a comfortable chair, and dig in. My sense is that Dr. Teitelbaum would rather teach people to learn how to manage their health rather than simply give instructions on what to do.  This empowers one to make the best health care choices possible.  He uses this same principle in “Beat Sugar Addiction Now!”.  This is a workbook developed to help the reader learn how to identify if they have a sugar addiction, what the implications are on health and how to learn to defeat the addiction and be a better manager of health.

I cringed each time Dr. Teitelbaum used the word addiction, thinking, “Really? It’s just sugar“. But, as I continued to read, I realized that it was driving home a point for me, that even though it’s only sugar, it is a real and potentially harmful addiction.  So, ok, now I’m a believer.

The workbook is set up to identify 4 types of sugar addiction. There is a simple quiz for each of the 4 types so that the reader can use the chapters that are personally relevant.  Dr. Teitelbaum suggests that a person could have more than one type of sugar addiction. I took all 4 quizzes and it only takes a few seconds to complete the quizzes and complete the analysis. There is an overview of what each type of addict would look like and some chapters with the suggested remedies and lifestyle changes.  There are also chapters dedicated to specific sugar related health issues:

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome & Fibromyalgia
Diabetes & Metabolic Syndrome
Heart Disease
Irritable Bowel Syndrome/Spastic Colon
Migraines and Tension Headaches

As with all of Dr. Teitelbaum’s books, this is not a one time read, this is an owner’s manual that you should keep handy to refer to often.